Missing Teeth Edison

Regain The Complete Function of Your Smile

Whether you’re missing one or many teeth, filling the gaps in your smile is vital to maintaining your oral health. As a prosthodontic specialist, Dr. Shah understands what it takes to create beautiful, comfortable, and natural-looking artificial teeth that will help you feel more confident, whether you’re speaking or eating. He offers several different customized solutions for replacing missing teeth in Edison, NJ and is excited to help you choose the one that’s best for you.

Why Choose Edison Prosthodontics for Replacing Missing Teeth?

  • State-of-the-Art Guided Dental Implant Surgery
  • World-Class Prosthodontic Training for Exceptional Results
  • Comfortable, Putty-Free Digital Impressions

Dental Implants

Dental implants can be used as a secure foundation for any number of prosthetic teeth. They’re small titanium posts that are surgically placed below the gum line. Because they’re made from a biocompatible metal, they naturally fuse with the jawbone, replacing the root structure of your missing teeth while providing the area with renewed blood flow and stimulation. Once the restoration is attached to the implant, it will look and feel like your teeth were never missing in the first place.

Learn More About Dental Implants

Dental Bridges

If you’re missing consecutive teeth, you’ll likely be able to benefit from a custom-crafted dental bridge. This restoration consists of two crowns at either end of one or more free-standing artificial teeth, called pontics. The crowns are secured to the two natural teeth on either side of the gap in your smile, holding the pontics in place. This will enhance your ability to chew and allow you to smile without worrying about the space anymore.

Learn More About Dental Bridges


Missing several or all of your teeth can have an overwhelming impact on your daily quality of life. With our natural-looking, custom-crafted full and partial dentures in Edison, we can quickly make your smile fully functional and preserve the appearance of your entire face. Our dentures are easily removable as well, making them simple to clean and maintain. Dr. Shah also offers implant-retained dentures for a more stable and secure tooth replacement solution.

Even better, we use advanced tools to craft the restorations. Our “digital denture” process can make your final teeth in as few as 2-3 visits. It relies on scanning technology, software, and 3D printing to design your ideal prosthetics. That way, you’ll get dentures with a precise and comfy fit.

Learn More About Digital Dentures

We Can Fix Dental Implant Problems

Are you experiencing a loose or bothersome dental implant? Dr. Shah can salvage the post and protect your investment for the long-haul. He specializes in restoring dental implants and the adjoining prosthesis. When it comes to implant salvation, it may require removing the implant post and cleaning around it to remove the infection to promote healing. If bone loss is the cause of the dental implant failure, a bone graft may help to provide the area around the post with a strong foundation once again. If you are unhappy with the look or fit of your implant restoration, we can help.

Learn More About Dental Implant Failure & Salvage