Edison Prosthodontics Blog

How To Prepare for Invisalign Treatment

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — edisonpros @ 5:12 pm
A woman is fitted with Invisalign aligners.

In life, it’s important to be prepared. You probably wouldn’t jump into a pool without a swimsuit or take a long drive without filling your gas tank, so naturally you wouldn’t want to start your Invisalign treatment without taking a few important steps first. If you’re considering a smile makeover with the help of Invisalign, here are a few ways you can dive in and get yourself ready for the journey to your beautiful new look.


Do Sedatives Make You Nervous? Here’s What You Should Know About Their Safety

May 30, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — edisonpros @ 10:05 pm
Picture of a nitrous oxide machine

If you’re someone who is ordinarily anxious about going to the dentist’s office, sedation can make getting your routine care as easy as possible. Nitrous oxide, for example, is capable of taking even the most panicky patients and helping them stay calm for the duration of treatment.

However, preceding the procedure, some patients are made anxious by the prospect of sedation, worrying whether these drugs are safe. If you’re in that situation, here’s what you should know.


Is Nitrous Oxide Designed to Put Patients to Sleep?

May 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — edisonpros @ 10:02 pm
Someone getting nitrous oxide sedation

If you’re someone who ordinarily suffers from dental anxiety, sedation dentistry can be incredibly helpful in making oral healthcare much more relaxing. Nitrous oxide in particular is a popular method of sedation for patients of all ages who struggle with dentistry.

If you’ve never used it before, you might not know necessarily what to expect from this style of sedative. How will it make you feel? Will it put you to sleep during the procedure? If you’re curious, here’s what you should know.


What Does Nitrous Oxide Sedation Feel Like?

April 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — edisonpros @ 7:06 pm
patient undergoing nitrous oxide dental sedation

Do you have trouble attending the dentist due to dental anxiety? Sedation dentistry uses medications to help you relax during dental procedures. Nitrous oxide is one of the most popular and widely available types of sedation. If you’re new to dental sedation, you might wonder what it feels like. Continue reading as we explore the sensations that are associated with dental sedation and what you can expect from the procedure.


Perfect Preservation: How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

March 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — edisonpros @ 5:40 pm
Illustration showing a dental crown above the abutment tooth

It’s natural to have questions if you’ve just found out that your dentist plans to fit you with a dental crown. These covers are a great way to restore functionality to a damaged or somewhat decayed tooth in scenarios that might otherwise require extraction. Protecting and preserving your natural pearly whites helps maintain your oral health and prevents other complex or invasive procedures.

Because dental crowns provide so many benefits, patients often ask how long they can expect theirs to last. If you’re curious, keep reading to learn more about it!


Tooth Talk: Can I Replace Healthy Teeth with Dental Implants?

February 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — edisonpros @ 6:12 pm
Dentist holding sample dental implant with white gloves

If you’ve heard about the many benefits of dental implants, you might start to wonder if they’re a better option than your natural teeth. There’s been an increasing trend in which patients are seeking dental implants to enhance their smile, especially if they have flaws. In other instances, this procedure was recommended for patients who may not need it.

If you’re wondering whether it’s a good idea to replace your pearly whites with dental implants, keep reading to learn more!


Crucial Foods to Avoid After Dental Implant Surgery

January 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — edisonpros @ 12:25 pm
A senior woman admiring her dental implants in a hand mirror

It’s easy to feel eager when you first get dental implants. Once the posts are placed, many patients want all sorts of meals. Still, it’s crucial to let your mouth recover. That means you’ll need to limit the kinds of foods you eat for a while. Otherwise, you’ll face oral issues or even implant failure. Your Edison prosthodontist can help out if you’d like. So, here’s a primer on foods to avoid after dental implant surgery and what to eat instead.


The Evolution of Cosmetic Dentistry

January 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — edisonpros @ 11:24 pm
patient who underwent cosmetic dentistry smiling

Dental implants have revolutionized tooth replacement, evolving significantly over time to transform smile restoration. These titanium screws are surgically placed into the jawbone to replace missing tooth roots, becoming a popular choice for both patients and dentists. From their early development to modern advancements, dental implants have continually improved. Read on to discover the fascinating history and evolution of dental implants.


4 Ways to Maximize Your Dental Insurance

December 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — edisonpros @ 2:18 am

Toothbrush and floss on dental insurance formDid you know that over half of adults have private dental insurance in the U.S.? However, less than 3% of Americans meet or exceed their annual limits. Let’s face it, dental insurance can be confusing, but don’t throw money down the drain. You pay your premiums every month for your coverage, so why not use it to invest in optimal oral health? Time is running out to use your dental benefits because they will reset at the end of the year. Don’t worry. Here are 4 ways you can maximize your dental insurance before it expires.


The Do’s and Don’ts of Caring for Your Dental Implants

October 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — edisonpros @ 7:08 pm
person with dental implants smiling

If you’re considering dental implant surgery to replace missing teeth, it’s a significant step toward a better smile and improved quality of life. Dental implants closely resemble natural teeth, but their long-term success relies on proper care. Keep reading as we explore the essential things you should and shouldn’t do to ensure that your dental implants last and stay healthy after surgery.

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